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Macro Families 72.012 to 73.048


Brown-tail - Euproctis chrysorrhoea Yellow-tail - Euproctis similis Pale Tussock - Calliteara pudibunda The Vapourer - Orgyia antiqua The Vapourer - Orgyia antiqua

Buff Ermine - Spilosoma luteum White Ermine - Spilosoma lubricipeda Ruby Tiger - Phragmatobia fulinnosa fulinnosa Garden Tiger - Arctia caja The Cinnabar - Tyria jacobaeae

Common Footman - Eilema lurideola Scarce Footman - Eilema complana The Fan-foot - Herminea tarsipennalis Mother Shipton - Callistege mi Burnet Companion - Euclidia  glyphica

Mother Shipton - Callistege mi Spectacle - Abrostola tripartita Dark Spectacle - Abrostola triplasia Burnished Brass - Diachrysia chrysitis Silver Y - Autographa gamma

Beautiful Golden Y - Autographa pulchella Plain Golden Y - Autographa jota Gold Spot - Plusia festucae Lempke's Gold Spot - Plusia putnami gracilis Grey Dagger, or Dark Dagger - Acronicta psi

Spare Slot for Expansion
The Sycamore - Acronicta aceris The Miller - Acronicta leporina Poplar Grey - Acronicta megacephala Small Yellow Underwing - Panemeria tenebrata  
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