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A Selection of Noctuidae Moths 73.016 - 73.033

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(Haworth 1809) (Haworth 1809) (Haworth 1809)    
Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae    
Beautiful Golden Y Beautiful Golden Y Beautiful Golden Y    
Autographa pulchella Autographa pulchella Autographa pulchella    
73.016  BF 2442 73.016  BF 2442 73.016  BF 2442    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 36mm to 44mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: Woodlands, gardens, parks, commons, hedgerows, heaths, where Honeysuckle, Common and dead Nettles and  grow.

Comment: This moth is a fairly common, and widely distributed resident over much of the British Isles.

Spare Slot for Expansion

Spare Slot for Expansion 

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae
Plain Golden Y Plain Golden Y Plain Golden Y Plain Golden Y Plain Golden Y
Autographa jota Autographa jota Autographa jota Autographa jota Autographa jota
73.017  BF 2443 73.017  BF 2443 73.017  BF 2443 73.017  BF 2443 73.017  BF 2443

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 26mm to 46mm.

Flight Period: June into August.

Habitat: Commons, gardens, parks, hedgerows, heaths, and places where their food plants grow.

Comment: Common, and widely distributed over England, Wales and Ireland. Scarcer in Scotland.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae  
Gold Spot Gold Spot Gold Spot Gold Spot  
Plusia festucae Plusia festucae Plusia festucae Plusia festucae  
73.022  BF 2439 73.022  BF 2439 73.022  BF 2439 73.022  BF 2439  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 34mm to 46mm.

Flight Period: June until September, in two over lapping broods.

Habitat: Damp woodland, fenland, commons, river banks and other damp, or marshy areas.

Comment: This species is localised but otherwise fairly common over much of the British Isles.

Spare Slot for Expansion
(Lempke 1966) (Lempke 1966) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Plusiinae Noctuidae - Dilobinae Noctuidae - Dilobinae  
Lempke's Gold Spot Lempke's Gold Spot Figure of Eight Figure of Eight  
Plusia putnami gracilis Plusia putnami gracilis Diloba caeruleocephala Diloba caeruleocephala  
73.023  BF 2440 73.023  BF 2440 73.033  BF 2020 73.033  BF 2020  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 32mm to 42mm.

Flight Period: July and August.

Habitat: Fenland and other damp marshy localities, some times in dryer situations, such as heaths, upper pasture, where the food plant grows.

Comment: Fens of East Anglia, the north of England, In southern Scotland, it is local and not common.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 34mm to 40mm.

Flight Period: October and November.

Habitat: Heaths, woods, gardens, orchards, hedgerows, commons and other places where suitable tree's grow.

Comment: Widespread, and fairly common in England and Wales. Not common in Scotland and Ireland.

Noctuidae Family

Species 73.037 to 73.048

continued on the next page


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