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A Selection of Geometridae Moths 70.006 - 70.016

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(Goeze 1781) (Goeze 1781) (Schrank 1802) (Schrank 1802) (Schrank 1802)
Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae
Dwarf Cream Wave - Idaea fuscovenos Dwarf Cream Wave - Idaea fuscovenos Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata
70.006    BF 1705 70.006    BF 1705 70.008    BF 1707 70.008    BF 1707 70.008    BF 1707

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 19mm to 22mm.

Flight Period: June and July.

Habitat: This species inhabits a variety of weedy places where Dandelion and Bramble grow.

Comment:  This moth is fairly common. They are widely distributed in the southern half of England, and less common and more localised in the Midlands and northern England.

(Hufnagel 1767) (Hufnagel 1767) (Hufnagel 1767) (Hufnagel 1767) (Schrank 1802)
Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae
Single-dotted Wave Single-dotted Wave Single-dotted Wave Small Fan-footed Wave Small Dusty Wave
Idaea dimidiata Idaea dimidiata Idaea dimidiata Idaea biselata Idaea seriata
70.011    BF 1708 70.011    BF 1708 70.011    BF 1708 70.013    BF 1702 70.008    BF 1707


Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 17mm to 2mm.

Flight Period: June until August.

Habitat:  Damp wood land, marshes, gardens, parks, and  places where the food plants grow. Some times found in dryer habitats such as waste ground.

Comment: This moth is not to common, but it is wide spread in England, Wales and Ireland. Localised in south west Scotland.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 19mm to 21mm.

Flight Period: June and July, again in August and September.

Habitat: Habitats include gardens. hedgerows, waste ground, in fact most places where the food plants, Ivy grows.

Comment: This species is a fairly common resident in England, Wales and the eastern half of Scotland.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Hufnagel 1767)  
Geometridae - Sterrhinae  Geometridae - Sterrhinae  Geometridae - Sterrhinae  Geometridae - Sterrhinae  
Small Scallop - Idaea emarginata Small Scallop - Idaea emarginata Small Scallop - Idaea emarginata Small Fan-footed Wave - Idaea biselataa  
7.015    BF 1712 7.015    BF 1712 7.015    BF 1712 70.013    BF 1702  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 24mm to 27mm.

Flight Period: June until August.

Habitat: Found in damp marshy places like fenland, marshy sand dunes, damp woodland where bedstraws grow.

Comment: This moth is  fairly common locally. They are also widespread throughout most of England and Wales, as far north as Lancashire and Yorkshire.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 22mm to 25mm.

Flight Period: June until August.

Habitat: Moths inhabit woodland, hedgerows and other suitable wooded area's.

Comment: This species is usually only single brooded, however in long summers it may have a partial second brood. It is usually on the wing from late June through to mid August.

 Spare slot for expansion

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Geometridae - Sterrhinae  Geometridae - Sterrhinae  Geometridae - Sterrhinae  Geometridae - Sterrhinae 

Species 70.024 to 70.029

Riband wave- Idaea aversata Riband wave- Idaea aversata Riband wave- Idaea aversata Riband wave- Idaea aversata

continued on the next page

7.016    BF 1713 7.016    BF 1713 7.016    BF 1713 7.016    BF 1713  

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 30mm to 35mm.

Flight Period: June and July, some times again in September in the south.

Habitat: Found in parks, gardens, roadside verges, river and canal sides, hedgerows, meadows,  and other places where the the food plants  grow.

Comment: This moth is a fairly common throughout the British Isles, including the Inner Hebrides.


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