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A Selection of Geometridae Moths 70.052 - 70.074

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(Clerck 1759) (Clerck 1759) (Thunberg 1784) (Thunberg 1784) (Thunberg 1784)
Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae
Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet - Xanthorhoe ferrugata Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet - Xanthorhoe ferrugata July Highflyer - Hydriomena furcata July Highflyer - Hydriomena furcata July Highflyer - Hydriomena furcata
70.052    BF 1725 70.052    BF 1725 70.074    BF 1777 70.074    BF 1777 70.074    BF 1777

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 24mm to 27mm.

Flight Period: May and June, in the south again in July and August.

Habitat: Habitats are mainly open bushy area's where suitable food plants grow.

Comment: This moth is fairly common, and is widely distributed in England, Wales and Ireland. In Scotland it is less common and quite localised.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 26mm to 39mm.

Flight Period: July and August.

Habitat:  It inhabits wood lands, heaths, commons, moor land and some times suburban parks and gardens.

Comment: This moth is a common and is found through out the the UK. It is variable through out its range, and the reddish forms dominate in the north west of Britain.

(Hufnagel 1767) (Hufnagel 1767) (Hufnagel 1767) (Hufnagel 1767) (Hufnagel 1767)
Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae Geometridae - Sterrhinae
Flame Carpet -Xanthorhoe designata Flame Carpet -Xanthorhoe designata Flame Carpet -Xanthorhoe designata Flame Carpet -Xanthorhoe designata Flame Carpet -Xanthorhoe designata
70.053    BF 1722 70.053    BF 1722 70.053    BF 1722 70.053    BF 1722 70.053    BF 1722

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 25mm to 28mm.

Flight Period: May and June, and again in August.

Habitat: Found in damp wooded areas and some times suburban gardens.

Comment: This moth is a common, and is widely distributed through out the UK, including the Hebrides.

(Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775)
Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae
Silver Ground Carpet Silver Ground Carpet Silver Ground Carpet Silver Ground Carpet Silver Ground Carpet
Xanthorhoe montanata montanata Xanthorhoe montanata montanata Xanthorhoe montanata montanata Xanthorhoe montanata montanata Xanthorhoe montanata montanata
70.054    BF 1727 70.054    BF 1727 70.054    BF 1727 70.054    BF 1727 70.054    BF 1727

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Denis & Schiffermuller 1775)
Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae
Yellow Shell Yellow Shell Yellow Shell Yellow Shell Silver Ground Carpet
camptogramma bilineata camptogramma bilineata camptogramma bilineata camptogramma bilineata Xanthorhoe montanata montanata
70.059    BF 1742 70.059    BF 1742 70.059    BF 1742 70.059    BF 1742 70.054    BF 1727

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 28mm to 32mm.

Flight Period: June to August.

Habitat: Many open grassy places with a variety of low growing herbaceous plants, including gardens and parks.

Comment: Moths of this species are fairly common residents, and are widely distributed throughout the British Isles.

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 29mm to 33mm.

Flight Period: May to July, or early August.

Habitat:  Found in damp grassy places like wood land rides and clearings, commons, hedgerows etc.

Comment: This moths is common and is widely spread over the UK. The wing markings and colour varies, a lot.

(Muller 1764) (Muller 1764) (Muller 1764)    
Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae Geometridae - Larentiinae  


Common Carpet Common Carpet Common Carpet  


Epirrhoe alternata alternata Epirrhoe alternata alternata Epirrhoe alternata alternata    
70.061    BF 1738 70.061    BF 1738 70.061    BF 1738    

Status: Resident in UK.

Wing Span: 27mm to 30mm.

Flight Period: May until August, in two broods.

Habitat: Found in a wide range of dampish habitats where its bedstraws and Cleavers occur.

Comment: This moth is a common and widely distributed over the UK, including the Hebrides and Orkney..

Spare slot for expansion

Species 70.075 to 70.093

continued on the next page


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