Summer Jewels                                                    Poetry by Dave Hatton.

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Hi Mr Carter


Problems with out of control, unleashed dogs are becoming increasingly predominant in both local and national news, and in social media. As the months pass the problems seem to keep accumulating, it’s high time out government did something about it all!

Wildlife is also suffering at the paws of out of control dogs, birds and wild fowl in parks have a hard time, and at times must be terrified. Ground nesting birds have their nests and eggs destroyed by dogs running wild.

 Some of these dogs set about each other, and worse cause serious injury to leashed dogs, whose owners are abiding by the rules, by keeping them on leads. Even worse still responsible dog owners get injured try to save their own pet from these unleashed dogs, belonging to rogue owners.

Worst reports are those that you hear about children being injured, or on occasion Killed by out of control dogs.

I know that the government has made attempts in the past to fix the problem, such as The Dangerous Dogs Act. It’s not enough, it’s getting worse year by year. I visit local parks up to three times a week, I see at least 1 in 4 dog owners unleash their dogs every time I visit. They know the rules, they are in plain sight on notices, the same goes for nature reserves, but they blatantly ignore the rules. There are even a few who walk their dogs along the street, unleashed! If I am right, isn’t that against the law ? 

Perhaps we need a Dog Police Force to apply the rules, dish out hefty fines, and imprison regular offenders, it’s to late when a child is dead, or a ducks off spring destroyed.

If I were to start a petition, would you and Amanda support it, and present it at Parliament, or where ever I appropriate. I am sure via change, and some of my recent tweets, there would be overwhelming support.

I feel very strongly about this matter, but at seventy years of age and suffering with COPD, among other ailments, I need someone with a bit of clout to present a petition, on my behalf.

Dave Hatton 

Loves all animals, inc dogs if responsibly owned.

Summer Jewels

by Dave Hatton

Shimmering hot sunny days are but few this year

When they do come, we all anticipate the scene

Grassy meadows filled with flowers in a hazy blur 

Buzzing with insects in amongst acres of green


Then comes along fluttering on the gentlest breeze

Beautiful, graceful and delicate like a flying jewel

Going from flower, to flower with such great ease

Then flying away, oh so quickly on past the pool


Peacocks, Comma and Brimstone are whirling around

Tortoiseshell and Admirals all making their last stand

The leaves, grasses and flowers are now well browned

Closing down fast, the end of summer now at hand


© Copyright Dave Hatton 2020

It Got Away Again!

by Dave Hatton


Checking the bulb, packing all our gear into the car

Excitement fills our veins, we tremble with expectation

Closing in now, our favourite wood is not very far

Will tonight be the night, we capture a rare aberration


Arriving there, just as the sun is setting on the land

Early dusk flyers are already moving, flitting around

The lamps bluish glow, now it’s all going as planned

As darkness falls, we hear the eerie howl of a hound


Today in this wood, so lucky to see the Queen of Spain

Moths diving and swooping, gathering around the light

Howling again, that nearby farm’s fierce Great Dane

Caddis are now moving and stirring, ready to take flight


Here it comes, this must be the one, now entering the fray

If I don’t catch you tonight, I will surely go mentally insane

In the trap, out again, in out, in out will it go, or will it stay

Shiver me timbers and blow me down!

                                                           the little beggars got away again.


© Copyright Dave Hatton 2022


Moth trappers do not harm their captive moths, unlike these units in fish and chip parlours.

Moth trappers identify, record for conservation purposes,  and then release their catches unharmed.



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