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White Dead Nettle (Lamiacaea) of the British Isles

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Lamiales - Lamiacaea Lamiales - Lamiacaea
White Dead Nettle - Lamium album White Dead Nettle - Lamium album

White Dead Nettle:

UK Status: Resident and native.

Flowering Period: From March through to as late as December in milder autumn weather.

Appx Height: Up to 30cm, someimes taller in fertile shady areas.

Habitat: This member of the sage and Mint family (Lamiaceae) is also closely related to the Red Dead Nettle. To the uninitiated, these two aromatic plants look very similar when not in flower. They occupy a wide range of habitats that include parks, gardens, grass verges, waste ground, disused railway lines, waste ground and farmland

Comment: This is a common and widespread plant in the British Isles, with the exception of the far north of Scotland.


Lamiales - Lamiacaea Lamiales - Lamiacaea Lamiales - Lamiacaea Lamiales - Lamiacaea
White Dead Nettle - Lamium album White Dead Nettle - Lamium album White Dead Nettle - Lamium album White Dead Nettle - Lamium album



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