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Common Ragwort (Asteraceae) of the UK

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(Gaertn) (Gaertn)
Asterales - Asteraceae Asterales - Asteraceae
Common Ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris Common Ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris

Common Ragwort:

UK Status: Native and resident.

Flowering Period: From late May through to November.

Appx Height: Up to 1 metre in height.

Habitat: This plant grows on most soil types and in many different places. It's habitats include grass verges, waste land, by lakes, river sides and canals, gardens, parks etc etc. It is poisonous to cattle due to it's cyanide content. The Cinnabar Moth larvae have adapted, and successfully eat the leaves of this plant without harm.

Comment: This common perennial, has a close, but not so common and very similar looking cousin call Oxford Ragwort.

(Gaertn) (Gaertn) (Gaertn) (Gaertn)
Asterales - Asteraceae Asterales - Asteraceae Asterales - Asteraceae Asterales - Asteraceae
Common Ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris Common Ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris Common Ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris Common Ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris




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Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com

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