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Common Guillemot -Medium Divers of the UK

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(Pontoppidan 1763) (Pontoppidan 1763)
Charadriiformes - Alcidae Charadriiformes - Alcidae
Common Guillemot - Uria aalge Common Guillemot - Uria aalge

Common Guillemot

UK Status: Only coming ashore to breed, Guillemots can be seen in the sea off the east and south coast of England. However when breeding they can be seen on many cliff faces around the UK.

Habitat: This sea faring bird that only comes on land to breed is a cliff dweller when breeding. Otherwise it spends most of it's time on the ocean when not breeding.

Breeding: Nesting pairs a very closely spaced, and often have bodily contact with the nearest other pair/s. The single large egg is laid on the bare rock of cliff ledges and outcrops. Eggs vary in colour fromm off white through to buff, and can be pale turquoise in colour. There are darker marks on the eggs, and can vary from just a few to many markings. There is just the single brood, single egg each year.

Comment: This bird is very similar looking to the Common Guillemot. Razorbills have deep blunt looking beaks, where as the Guillemot has a longer, thinner, and more pointed beak. Common Guillemot is also known as the Common Murre, or Foolish Guillemot.


Conservation Status: Not Assessed

(Pontoppidan 1763) (Pontoppidan 1763)
Charadriiformes - Alcidae Charadriiformes - Alcidae
Common Guillemot - Uria aalge Common Guillemot - Uria aalge

(Pontoppidan 1763) (Pontoppidan 1763) (Pontoppidan 1763) (Pontoppidan 1763)
Charadriiformes - Alcidae Charadriiformes - Alcidae Charadriiformes - Alcidae Charadriiformes - Alcidae
Common Guillemot - Uria aalge Common Guillemot - Uria aalge Common Guillemot - Uria aalge Common Guillemot - Uria aalge



Local Ebird Hotspot - Woodhall Lake, West Yorkshire

Local Ebird Hotspot - Yeadon Tarn, West Yorkshire

Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com

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