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Common Pochard -Water Fowl of the British Isles

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Anseriformes - Anatidae Anseriformes - Anatidae
Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Anseriformes - Anatidae Anseriformes - Anatidae
Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina

Pochard Duck:     UK Status: Resident, the native population of about fifteen hundred birds swells greatly in the winter. Species coming here from the north to overwinter, numbers around twenty nine thousand mating pairs.

Habitat: This duck is sexually dimorphic, the males are easily recognized, the females can be easily confused with females of other species. They like a wide range of habitats including mainly lowland rivers, canals, large pools and lakes, river estuaries and even inshore salt water.

Breeding: Nests are situated on the ground close to water, sometimes on small islands, or even in shrubbery and reed beds suspended above the water. Nests are made of grasses and other vegetation, lined with downy breast feathers. There are eight to ten greyish green eggs in a clutch, and there is one, or sometimes two broods in a year.

Comment: Common in winter throughout the UK, but more discriminating in the breeding season. Few area's in the UK are used for breeding, and are mainly on, or near the east coast.

(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Anseriformes - Anatidae Anseriformes - Anatidae Anseriformes - Anatidae Anseriformes - Anatidae
Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina Pochard Duck - Aythya ferina





















Local Ebird Hotspot - Woodhall Lake, West Yorkshire

Local Ebird Hotspot - Yeadon Tarn, West Yorkshire

Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com

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