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Rock Doves - Garden Birds of the British Isles

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(Gmelins 1789) (Gmelins 1789)
Columbiformes - Columbidae Columbiformes - Columbidae
Rock Dove - Columba livia Rock Dove - Columba livia

(Gmelins 1789) (Gmelins 1789)
Columbiformes - Columbidae Columbiformes - Columbidae
Rock Dove - Columba livia Rock Dove - Columba livia

Rock Doves\Feral Pigeon:

UK Status: Originally from Europe, Western Asia and Africa, this bird is now a firmly established resident.

Habitat: True wild Rock Doves are as depicted in my pictures, and are pale grey with two black bars on each wing. Where as feral domestic pigeons vary greatly in colour. This Dove is found in many kinds of places, so long as there are high rocky ledges to nest on. These ledges can be natural rock faces, or motorway bridges, dams and buildings.

Breeding: This bird nests on rocky ledges, and concrete or brick parapets. The nests are flimsy flat platforms,  being made of sticks and straw, usually two white eggs are laid in each clutch. These doves can breed throughout the year, though breeding peeks in the spring and summer months.

Comment: Common throughout the British Isles. Very similar in appearance to the Stock Dove, use the link to Stock Dove below to see the differnces.

Stock Dove

(Gmelins 1789) (Gmelins 1789) (Gmelins 1789) (Gmelins 1789)
Columbiformes - Columbidae Columbiformes - Columbidae Columbiformes - Columbidae Columbiformes - Columbidae
Rock Dove - Columba livia Rock Dove - Columba livia Rock Dove - Columba livia Rock Dove - Columba livia



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