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A selection of Hoverflies of Britain - Page 2

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(Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)  
Pellucid Fly Pellucid Fly Pellucid Fly Pellucid Fly  
Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae  
Volucella pellucens Volucella pellucens Volucella pellucens Volucella pellucens  

UK Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 27mm to 32mm.

Flight Period: May to October.

Habitat: Hedgerows and wooded places with Bramble and Umbellifer flowers.

Comment: Common through out the British isles.

Spare Slot for Expansion
(Harris 1776 ) (Harris 1776 ) (Harris 1776 ) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Yellow-barred Peat Fly Yellow-barred Peat Fly Yellow-barred Peat Fly Plain-faced Drone Fly European drone Fly
Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae
Sericomyia silentis Sericomyia silentis Sericomyia silentis Eristalis arbustrum Eristalis arbustrum

Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 19mm to28mm

Flight Period: May

Habitat: Found in peat bogs and damp open woodland.

Comment: This species is common and widespread throughout the British Isles.

Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 16mm to 21mm.

Flight Period: April to November.

Habitat: Gardens, urban wasteland, hedgerows, parks and other open places.

Comment: This species is common and widespread throughout the British Isles.

(Scopoli 1763) (Scopoli 1763) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758) (Linnaeus 1758)
Tapered Drone Fly Tapered Drone Fly Common Drone Fly Common Drone Fly Common Drone Fly
Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae
Eristalis pertinax Eristalis pertinax Eristalis tenax Eristalis tenax Eristalis tenax

Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 18mm to 26mm.

Flight Period: March to November.

Habitat: Found in woodland rides, hedgerows, parks and gardens.

Comment: This species is common and widespread throughout the UK.

Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 14mm to 17mm.

Flight Period: All the year around. Tenax will emerge on warm sunny winter days.

Habitat: Woodland rides, hedgerows, parks and gardens.

Comment: Common and widespread throughout the UK.

(Linnaeus  ) (Linnaeus  ) (Linnaeus  ) (Linnaeus  )  
The Sun Fly The Sun Fly The Sun Fly The Sun Fly  
Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae

Next Water Fowl - Page 1

Helophilus pendulus Helophilus pendulus Helophilus pendulus Helophilus pendulus  

Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 17mm to 23mm.

Flight Period: June to August, peaking sometime in July.

Habitat: Likes damp places, ditches, pools, ponds, gardens and even muddy puddles.

Comment: Common and widely distributed throughout the British Isles.

Spare Slot for Expansion
(Loew 1846) (Loew 1846) (Loew 1846) (Fabricius 1805) (Fabricius 1805)
Marsh Tiger Hoverfly Marsh Tiger Hoverfly Marsh Tiger Hoverfly Large Tiger Hoverfly Large Tiger Hoverfly
Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae Syrphidae - Eristalinae
Helophilus hybridus Helophilus hybridus Helophilus hybridus Helophilus trivittatus Helophilus trivittatus

Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 17mm to 23mm.

Flight Period: April to October, peaking in July and August.

Habitat: Likes damp places, ditches, pools, ponds, gardens and even muddy puddles.

Comment: Wide spread and localised in the UK.

Status: Resident.

Wing Span: 21mm to 25mm.

Flight Period: May to October.

Habitat: Dryer areas than the other two species. Seen at the coast, Umbellifers and Thistles.

Comment: Wide spread in England and Wales, scarce in Scotland. Uncommon any where.


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